Adam Chotkowski
Senior Business Development Manager
As a sales rep for Unitex I enjoy building relationships with individuals and providing a solution that customers feel good about when it comes to their linen needs. Unitex has a proven track record of over 100 years in providing top quality and service to the medical industry. I am going onto my 13th year with Unitex and I typically advise prospects looking for a new vendor to take the time to feel comfortable with the company you are considering. Make sure what they are showing and telling you is the truth, and not just what they think you want to hear so they can make a sale. It can be a challenge because at times the sales process can be lengthy.
On a personal note, I grew up in Millis, MA, but now live in Watertown, CT. I went to college at Northeastern University. When I am not at work, I am spending every minute with my family. We love to vacation on the beaches of Rhode Island and New Jersey. When not at the beach I am always remodeling a project in our house. I also coach my son’s basketball team and my daughter’s soccer team.
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