Estimated savings are based on the following industry standards & averages:

Avg. Reusable Pad Rental Price

Avg. Hospital Reusable Replacement Cost Per Underpad

Unit Reduction by Switching from Disposables to Reusables

Unit Waste Cost of Disposables

Now a Premium Reusable Underpad that is Even More Cost Effective
See the Benefits of Reusables Vs. Disposables
The Responsible Choice for Your Patients, Your Budget and the Environment
Effective Moisture Management
The UltraMAX has cutting-edge barrier technology that helps improve your ability to control risk factors for breakdown including moisture, pressure and heat.
Effective Pressure Management
Unlike traditional underpads, the breathable UltraMAX Underpad allows moisture vapor to escape – maintaining cooler, drier and more comfortable conditions for patients.
Effective Temperature Management
The higher the temperature, the more heat is moved away from the patient. The UltraMAX Underpad keeps patients nearly as cool as if no pad were used.

The UltraMAX uses a high performance technical film that is both highly breathable and tested to 150 launderings with no material breakdown.